Dimensions of Tourists’ Emotional Experiences towards Hedonic Holiday Destinations

Sameer Hosany and David Gilbert


Sameer Hosany and David Gilbert (2009) Dimensions of Tourists’ Emotional Experiences towards Hedonic Holiday Destinations.

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Destinations are more likely to be successful if they recognize the experiential qualities of their offerings. However, with some exceptions, research into the emotional content of the destination experience remains largely underexplored. This current research addresses this lacuna and empirically investigates the dimensions of tourists’ emotional experiences towards hedonic holiday destinations. Adopting a rigorous scale development procedure, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses identify three salient dimensions to represent the destination emotion scale (DES) namely: joy, love and positive surprise. Additionally, tourists’ emotional experiences were related to satisfaction, which in turn has a significant influence on behavioural intentions. Findings offer important implications for destination marketers in relation to branding and emotional experience management.

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This version's date is: 07/2009
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Item TypeMonograph (Working Paper)
TitleDimensions of Tourists’ Emotional Experiences towards Hedonic Holiday Destinations
AuthorsHosany , Sameer
Gilbert, David
Uncontrolled Keywordsemotions; tourist experiences; destinations; scale development, post-consumption evaluations.
DepartmentsFaculty of History and Social Science\Management



Deposited by () on 19-May-2010 in Royal Holloway Research Online.Last modified on 14-Apr-2011



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